How Chiropractic Can Help You Achieve Results
Chiropractic works by making carefully placed adjustments to realign your spine. These adjustments allow the muscle tissues to properly support the spine and vital neurological processes that occur within it. When the spine is able to function without interference, the body is better able to facilitate healing, thereby relieving pain and restoring health in a variety of ways.
The Benefits of Chiropractic Care
No one should suffer constantly from pain stemming from preexisting conditions or injuries that never seem to heal. Chiropractic care can help patients dealing with a myriad of health problems find lasting relief. Most healthy people do not realize that chiropractic care can even be beneficial for improving their immune system function and strengthening their vitality. Day-to-day life can be draining not just on the mind, but the immune system. By seeking wellness care at our clinic, minor adjustments can ensure your body stays running like a finely-tuned machine, ready to conquer every day’s challenges.

"Dr. Wilhelmsen is very kind & caring. He listens to his patient's concerns. My family (mother, husband, niece & I) has visited him for a variety of issues & he has helped us. His staff is friendly & competent. I can’t recommend him highly enough."
Dennis H.
"The most gentle chiropractor I have ever had! I had a lot of pain with sciatica and within a couple of weeks, it was under control. I would definitely recommend him to everyone. You will be happy you are a patient."
Mary H.